Collezione Maria Signorelli, scenari italiani

   Collezione Maria Signorelli   





home Italian set designs for 19th- and 20th-century Marionette and Puppet Theatres





Life of Maria Signorelli

Puppets of Maria Signorelli  

The Puppets of Maria Signorelli - i fantocci

The fairy tales, nursery rhymes and films

Shows with classical and modern texts, films

  The ballets of Maria  Signorelli




Podrecca Fund 

Trieste puppets 


19th-20th century Italian rod and glove puppets

18th century Italian marionettes 

19th-20th century Italian marionettes 

20th century foreign rod and string puppets 

Eastern and Wayang puppets and marionettes

Sicilian, Pugliese and Neapolitan puppets  



Shadow puppets


Toy rod, glove and string puppets    

Seven trunks of stage properties 

Italian set designs

  Paper and card theatres, sets and characters  




Italian and foreign literature on the history and techniques of puppet theatre

Toy theatres  

Scripts of puppet and marionette plays  

Posters of puppet theatre productions and festivals

Italian set designs

The exhibitions




This section comprises around 150 set designs painted with tempera on paper, some  on canvas, relating to the work of as yet unidentified Italian companies 

The sets for the Marionette Theatre are 2 metres high and 3/4 metres wide, those for the Puppet Theatre 1.50 metres high and 2.50 metres wide. 

These items are for the most part  in a good state of preservation and are of high artistic standard.



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