Toy theatres |
Puppets of Maria Signorelli The fairy tales, nursery rhymes and films Shows with classical and modern texts, films The ballets of Maria Signorelli
19th-20th century Italian rod and glove puppets 19th-20th century Italian marionettes 20th century foreign rod and string puppets Sicilian, Pugliese and Neapolitan puppets
rod, glove and string puppets
and card theatres, sets and characters
Toy theatres Scripts
of puppet and marionette plays |
In this section there are a series of toy theatres, predominantly from Poland, fitted with backcloths of coloured board around 40 x 30cm in size, and characters constructed like rod puppets, around 20cm (30, with the rod), with head and limbs in papier mâché. One arm is manipulated with a small iron rod. The tales featured are full of princes, dragons and knights: among others there are The Elephant’s Child by Rudyard Kipling, containing all the animals described (other than the main character, the Parrot, the Snake, the Hipppotamus and the Crocodile). These little theatres were used either by children or for educational purposes in schools. There are also some Italian
theatres of the 1940s, roughly 50 x 40cm, in thin plywood covered in coloured paper, with curtains, wings and backcloths.