Sicilian (Catanian, Palermitan), Pugliese and Neapolitan puppets  








Neapolitan puppet 

for the 'Cycle of Warrior Tales' (1920-30)

Neapolitan puppet 

for the Camorra Cycle belonging to the Luigi Di Giovanni company

 (end 19th century)

 Palermitan puppet 

belonging to Gaspare Casini (?) (1935-40)

Palermitan puppet

Blue angel














Palermitan puppet 

Saracen Giant


Palermitan puppet 

 The young Oliviero(?)


Palermitan puppet 



Pugliese puppet, Saracen king

belonging to the Dell'Aquila family 

of Canosa. (1940s)









Catanian puppet Orlando


Heads of Neapolitan puppets (end 19th) 

Palermitan puppet Orlando 


Palermitan puppet originally a friar, transformed with the jacket into the Saracen king Atamante

(early 20th century)











 Neapolitan puppet in armour 

(early 20th century)

 Rinaldo puppet (?) with Palermitan (the head) and Catanian (fist, legs, heeled shoes) characteristics (1890-95)

Palermitan puppet 



Catanian puppet in armour Rinaldo




 Neapolitan poster 

'Duel between Palmerino and the the Lord of the Sun'

(1920s or 1930s)

Palermitan poster 

for Giovanni Salerno's 

'The first adventures of Orlando and Rinaldo (19 '70s)



Neapolitan poster, 

'Garibaldi saves Tore 'e Criscienzo from the firing squad 

(1920s or 1930s)

Catanian poster for Carmelo Chines, 

"The mad Orlando beating the Paladins 

who are trying to capture him." 

(1920s or early 1930s)

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